Nashua K-12 Schools

Third Grade

August 07, 2023

Welcome to one of the most exciting and important school years of your child’s life! I am thrilled to have this opportunity to get to know you and your family as the year progresses. We have many memorable learning experiences ahead and I hope you are as excited to help your child succeed as I am. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to send a message on Classroom Dojo, email, or call the school. You can reach me at Please note the following information about our Third Grade Class.



All children can be responsible learners. Work will be sent home, if it is not completed during the school day. There will also be math homework most days along with a required reading log 4 nights a week for 20 minutes each of those nights. The reading logs are to be kept IN your child’s purple “Porcupine” folders, so I can check progress throughout the week. Reading logs are due on Mondays. 



We will have two official parent-teacher conferences. However, I believe constant and on-going parent-teacher communication and teamwork is vital. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know. 



Our snack time is 9:30a.m. Each student is to provide their own snack. Please remember this is a “snack” and not a meal. It should be something relatively small, preferably healthy, and needs to be eaten within 10 minutes– think granola bar, apples, oranges, a serving of jerky or crackers, carrots, etc. I will provide snacks for the first week of school. 


Breakfast and Lunch

Please make sure to fill out the paperwork to see if you qualify for free/reduced meals. If you do not qualify, the cost of breakfast is $1.50 for all grades. The cost of lunch is $2.50 for grades K-5, $3.00 for grades 6-12, and extra milk is $0.50. You can make checks payable to "Nashua School" or you can talk to Kayla about payment options.


New Items

This year, I will be teaching both 2nd grade math and 3rd grade math. You might wonder what that means for you and your child. Ms. Delich, our second grade teacher, will be piloting a new writing curriculum with both second and third graders. We will be switching students for one hour every day.


Another new item is that our elementary is starting up Porcupine Academy. We have 3 groups, known as houses, set up - House of Grit, House of Courage, and House of Integrity. Your child will be placed in one of these houses at the start of the year and will continue to be part of that house for the rest of their Porcupine career. Our goal is to emphasize character development using the Character Counts pillars, combined with Social - Emotional Learning, and teachings of Ron Clark. Please be patient with us as we navigate through this exciting new aspect of Nashua School. 


First Day of School

The first day of school is a very exciting day. We are kicking things off a little differently this year, specifically with the start up of Porcupine Academy. Students may drop their items off in their new classroom, but immediately following are to go to the gymnasium. Tardy bell rings at 8:00am. Parents and guardians must exit the building at this time. For the first week of school, parents and guardians may enter the building to escort your child to the gymnasium. After the first week, students are to be dropped off at the office where they will go directly to the gymnasium on their own. Our goal is to create independent students which begins right at the threshold of the school. 


How can you help? Please consider joining the Porcupine Booster Club and/or Nashua Lions Club. I will let you know when I plan special projects and activities and if I need supplies or volunteers. We are also in need of substitute teachers. You can download an application on the school website or stop in at the school office to pick up a hard copy.


I look forward to getting to know you and your child! As a team, we can make this a wonderful, fun-filled, and successful year!


See you soon,


Mrs. Knuchel

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